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Pooja Paresh

CCO / Vice President of Finance

Vice President of Finance and CCO at Summit Peak Investments with a background in fund administration for clients with various investment strategies; including venture capital, real estate, and secondary funds.

Formerly Fund Controller at Standish Management, which provided in-depth knowledge and understanding of Summit Peak Investments’ accounting and strategy.

Received a B.S. in Finance and Economics from the University of Texas at Dallas and a M.S. in Accounting from the University of Colorado Denver. Can be found gently skiing down green slopes in Colorado or becoming the next Picasso in pottery class.


Summit Peak's model was really one of the only ways to repeatedly access a power-law outcome as getting exposure to more founders, not less, is really the best way to index venture capital’s long returns.

LP since 2019
The testimonial was provided by a private investor. The private investor was not compensated in any way and there are no other material conflicts that we are aware of.

Summit Peak has been a great partner for us as our venture capital portfolio is a critical part of our endowment. Apurva and Patrick are well-networked and have identified emerging venture capital firms before others.

LP since 2019
The testimonial was provided by a private investor. The private investor was not compensated in any way and there are no other material conflicts that we are aware of.